Saturday, March 27, 2010

Help! Super heros have stolen my heart!

Pardon the cheesy title...I couldn't resist! Christopher, although never having watched a single Spiderman movie or show, has become infatuated with the character. He has the bike, helmet, shoes, sunglasses, swim goggles (or "boggles" as he says it), underwear, and now, after a recent trip to walmart, the jammies. Gabriel has also joined the club only because Christopher insisted that they both have a pair of spidey jammies. I must admit...they look absolutely adorable in their matching pj's!

I have noticed something lately. Can you see it? They are brothers. Buddies. Hand-in-hand, finding mischeif, loving and beating on one another - brothers. I feel so fortunate to have the chance to witness this.
And this little prince of mine is now officially done breastfeeding. We had a good long run...almost 18 months. We both loved every moment of it and we (ok, more me) were ready to move on. I miss it a little, but he still crawls into my lap, rests his hand on my chest, and lays his head on me. Those moments are always to quick for me, but he is a growing little curious on-the-move boy, and there is a world to explore.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Luck 'O The Irish...German/Italian Style

We like to join in the St. Patty's fun even though we aren't Irish in the least. (I have a cousin who married an Irish girl..does that count?) The day actually snuck up on me, so I had to scramble to think of fun ways to celebrate with what we had around the house.

We started the day eating green eggs & bacon (channeling Dr. Seuss:). We made green lime jello that we saved for snack time. The boys aren't a big fan of jello, so they pretended to like it for a few pictures. We read some fun St. Patty's books, talked about the culture a little, and made some festive Irish flags to wave around in our own little parade.

Here are some pics of my little leprechauns!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two days in a row!

This little angel is to blame for the baby fever that as infected my house. Our good friends, Cammi and Jason, had a little girl about a month ago. Her name is Aryah and she is such a doll. I could snuggle and smell her for hours. Ooohhhh...I LOVE baby smells! I know, I'm kinda wierd :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ok, so I'm a liar...

I said I woul be back to the blog,, well...that just didn't happen as you all have noticed. I'm really going to try harder. We moved our computer out of the living room so I just don't get on it as much. I really need to figure out how to blog from my iPhone! Anyway, here are some pictures from today...we had a perfect day outside! In the morning, we walked around the nature center and went to storytime, then home for lunch and loooong naps, and out again for ice cream cones and playing at the park. I enjoyed relaxing and spending quality time with my precious boys! They are getting to be such good buddies...when we were walking on the trail, Christopher grabbed Gabriel's hand and they walked like that for a while..."talking" and giggling to each other and just being brothers.