Wow, the past two weeks have just been amazing! I can't believe Gabriel is two weeks old already. We have had lots of help around the house, with Mimi, Dani, and Lauren coming to visit. Things are definately falling into a routine already. I don't know how I got so blessed, but Gabriel and Christopher actually take naps at the same time. I'm not sure how long it will last, but I'm loving it for now. Christopher loves to hold his brother and give him kisses. Gabriel is such a good snuggly and happy! Anyway, here are some pictures of what we have been up to in the past two weeks. We are off to the zoo tonight for the Spooktakular and then our Church's fall festival I'll post those pictures soon.

Christopher had a blast painting the pumpkins we got from Aunt Penne's pumpkin patch!

The weather was great last week, so we let baby Gabe get some sun on his belly. We had so much fun just sitting on the blanket and watching our new little guy.

We took these pictures just after I gave him his first bath...he's all fresh and clean. He really doesn't like his paci, which is a huge difference from his brother who LOVED his. We offer it to him occasionally, but he's pretty content without it.
HE is SOOOOO precious!