The Chiarino house has been very busy over the last few weeks. Here are some pictures of what we have been up to...
Christopher did some sponge painting. As he was dabbing the sponge on the paper, he would say "pat pat pat". He is getting so smart!

Every morning when Christopher gets up, the three of us snuggle in my bed. Sometimes we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but Christopher always wants to hold his brother and give him kisses. It's so adorable and it makes me remember every single morning how blessed I am.

Here is a picture of Christopher and Daddy feeding Gabriel his first bottle of breastmilk.

Of course Christopher didn't actually vote, but he and Gabriel went with us to the polls to vote. It was a pretty exciting time and I am looking forward to them being old enough to understand the importance of voting.

Here is a picture of one of Christopher's friends who lives down the street. He had such a blast riding in her pink Barbie Cadillac! I'm not looking forward to seeing this in 15 more years!

Wow, little Chris has gotten so big!