I couldn't let the day go by without writing something on the blog. We have spent the first day of 2009 being as lazy as possible. It has given me lots of time to think about what a new year means to me. I don't usually do New Years Resolutions. I think they are pointless because I am always trying to improve, so I don't typically take time at the new year to think of what needs to be improved in my life. However, this past year my life got busier than it ever has. I think I need to take a step back and think about what is holding me and my family back from enjoying our lives. So, here are a few things that I will try to do this year...
*live more simply, meaning just enjoying the very simple things in life like my husband and kids. I want to stop thinking of fun things we can do and just enjoy being together.
*I want to fill myself up with good things. This include a lot of ideas, but mainly I need to take better care of myself through my God, food, hobbies, and friends. I also need to take more time to scrapbook my family pictures. If I give myself more time to scrapbook and fill myself up with good things I will be better able to care for the needs of my family.
There are lots of other things that I want to do right now, like lose the 10 pounds I gained this holiday season, watch less tv, and do some traveling with the family. I wouldn't call them resolutions, more like items on my evergrowing to-do list. Anyway, I wanted to write the important things down on here so I can remind myself of them as the time goes by.
Also, we had a wonderful Christmas and I will write about it and post pictures later on...maybe tomorrow:)
Where to Shop Paris: Dresses
7 years ago
I like your "anti-resolutions"! Happy New Year!