Monday, March 30, 2009

Let's Go Fly A Kite!

This afternoon was a little too windy to take the boys for a walk in the stroller, so instead we decided to break out one of Christopher's birthday presents that he hasn't used yet. He got a Mickey Mouse kite and it was the perfect day for kite flying! I got it started and then handed it off to Christopher to navigate on his own. He was so amazed and excited about the independence it gave him to hold it all my himself. After all, his favorite word right now is "self"...because he is an independent two year old who has to try everything first before I can help him.
He really got it up there! We did have a few when it got stuck in the neighbors tree! But nothing I couldn't fix :)
And then the wind started to die down...and distruction occured! The string came crashing to the ground all around Christopher. He tried to pick it up and run, thinking he could get the kite back up in the air. And this is what happened...
Serious entaglement folks! Of course, instead of running to his aide I stood there and laughed for a minute and then realized I was missing a great photo opportunity! I did finally help him free...then we called it a day and went inside to have dinner. What a fun time!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rainy Saturday Morning

I just put the baby down for his morning nap and we are enjoying this lazy Saturday morning. Christopher woke us up early this morning, but Gabriel actually slept from 7:30 last night until about 6:30 this morning(thanks to big brother:). After we changed their diapers, Chris made me a cup of coffee and we all piled back in to bed and watched "Willy Wonka". We actually only watched about 15 minutes of the movie, but it was so nice to have the four of us in bed, relaxing, and enjoying each other's company. I love Saturday mornings! We were planning on going to Silver Dollar City this morning, but since it's raining I think we will just work on putting the huge pile of laundry away. Is is sad that putting laundry away sounds more enjoyable than wadding through a crowded amusement park with two cranky boys?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day

For St. Patrick's Day we dressed the boys in their matching green outfits from cousin Kate. They looked so cute! We threw a blanket on the grass and played in the front yard all afternoon.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Take A Quiz!

See if you can tell who is who! :) There is one picture of Christopher & one of Gabriel both around 4 months old. It is so neat to see how they look alike!

Monday, March 9, 2009

G Man

This is the nickname that we have given to Gabriel. Actually it was Chris who started calling him this and it has stuck around. So now we have G man and Little man!
Just thought I would give you all an update on what Gabriel is doing lately. He will be 5 months old on Thursday! His weight is well over 13 pounds...probly pushing 14. He loves to drink milk and it shows! I think next month we will start with some solid foods. His doctor recommended waiting until he was closer to 6 months as long as he seems satisfied on milk.
He is rolling onto his back and almost rolled onto his belly. He loves to watch his big brother play...and he laughs when Christopher talks to him! He likes to chew on his blanket and he is saying more sounds now. Just the other day I think I heard him say either "gaga" or "dada"...not sure, but it was awesome! His eyes light up when his daddy is holding him...just like christopher-they LOVE daddy! He laughs when we eat his much fun:)
He is still sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom, but he has now officially graduated from being swaddled! He loved to be swaddled and I loved it because all I had to do was lay him down and he would fall asleep. Now that he is used to the freedom he is back to falling asleep on his own most of the time.
In a nutshell...he is doing really good. We are blessed to have him and enjoy watching him grow every day!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

King of the castle & soaking up the sun!

Let me just say that the desktop weather on my computer says it is 75 outside! We are so thankful to be able to get outside in the beautiful sunshine and play! I took some pictures yesterday after naptime when me & the boys were out playing in the backyard. Christopher had fun climbing to the top of his fort and throwing balls off. Gabriel chilled out in his bouncy chair and watched Bear most of the time. He is so relaxed outside...he just loves it! Christopher was the exact same way as a baby:)

Here he is peaking through the hole in his fort. He kept pushing the ball through it...then he would giggle like he did something really neat!