This is the nickname that we have given to Gabriel. Actually it was Chris who started calling him this and it has stuck around. So now we have G man and Little man!
Just thought I would give you all an update on what Gabriel is doing lately. He will be 5 months old on Thursday! His weight is well over 13 pounds...probly pushing 14. He loves to drink milk and it shows! I think next month we will start with some solid foods. His doctor recommended waiting until he was closer to 6 months as long as he seems satisfied on milk.
He is rolling onto his back and almost rolled onto his belly. He loves to watch his big brother play...and he laughs when Christopher talks to him! He likes to chew on his blanket and he is saying more sounds now. Just the other day I think I heard him say either "gaga" or "dada"...not sure, but it was awesome! His eyes light up when his daddy is holding him...just like christopher-they LOVE daddy! He laughs when we eat his belly...so much fun:)
He is still sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom, but he has now officially graduated from being swaddled! He loved to be swaddled and I loved it because all I had to do was lay him down and he would fall asleep. Now that he is used to the freedom he is back to falling asleep on his own most of the time.
In a nutshell...he is doing really good. We are blessed to have him and enjoy watching him grow every day!