This afternoon was a little too windy to take the boys for a walk in the stroller, so instead we decided to break out one of Christopher's birthday presents that he hasn't used yet. He got a Mickey Mouse kite and it was the perfect day for kite flying! I got it started and then handed it off to Christopher to navigate on his own. He was so amazed and excited about the independence it gave him to hold it all my himself. After all, his favorite word right now is "self"...because he is an independent two year old who has to try everything first before I can help him.

He really got it up there! We did have a few when it got stuck in the neighbors tree! But nothing I couldn't fix :)

And then the wind started to die down...and distruction occured! The string came crashing to the ground all around Christopher. He tried to pick it up and run, thinking he could get the kite back up in the air. And this is what happened...

Serious entaglement folks! Of course, instead of running to his aide I stood there and laughed for a minute and then realized I was missing a great photo opportunity! I did finally help him free...then we called it a day and went inside to have dinner. What a fun time!
PERFECT weather for kite flying! The picture of Christopher with his back to you and the kite flying so high is awesome!