I wanted to brag to the blog world about what I, a fantastic mom, have NOT been doing lately.
I did NOT let Gabriel lay on the floor with no clothes or diaper on while I was sitting on the computer, only to look over and see him laying in a puddle of his own potty.
I also did NOT put in ear plugs today while my husband was cooking dinner because my precious little children were NOT screaming at the top of their lungs.
I have NOT neglected my motherly duty of providing a balanced home-cooked meal to my family every day for the past two weeks. And I did NOT leave to have dinner with a girlfriend after the last home-cooked meal I tried to prepare (which was NOT over a week ago) got burned. No, I also did NOT leave my husband and children to eat the burned dinner.
I hope you moms out there don't feel discouraged because I AM getting the Mom Of The Year Award. For sure!
Where to Shop Paris: Dresses
7 years ago
This cracks me up. We all have our moments, that's for sure. I need to get some ear plugs so that I can send Stan out with Zane when he is up at 6am on the weekends... :)