Last Tuesday Christopher's preschool class went on a field trip to the Dickerson Park Zoo. All the kids rode in the school bus (in their carseats) to the zoo where the parents were waiting. I couldn't miss his first official school field trip, so I loaded Gabriel and Caden (the little boy I watch during the week) in the car and headed to the zoo for some fun.
Christopher thought he was so cool because he got to ride in the wagon and didn't get stuck in a stroller. Apparently the little girl in the wagon with him didn't share the same excitement! :)
Here are the babies...looking at the baby elephant. They had so much fun looking at all the animals...and the big kids!
They love each other! Caden is like our little brother :) He even pulled Gabriels hair a little bit in the stroller...ah the brotherly love!
The pics of the little girl giving Christopher the evil eye are hilarious!