Sunday, October 12 at 4:19pm Gabriel came into this world. He weighed 7 lb 10 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. I started having contractions in the middle of the night and we decided to drive to the hospital when they were getting stronger, around 7:00 in the morning. Chris thinks I'm crazy because I got out of bed and started getting ready and cleaning the house before we left for the hospital...women understand what I was doing though! Anyway, when we arrived, they told me I was dilated to 4 cm, so we started walking around to keep things moving, and before long, we decided to break my water. Well, then the contractions really started on strong. Not too long after that, I decided to get my epidural...I was dilated to around 7 cm by then. Well, after about another 2 hours or so the nurse checked me and told me I was 9 cm. Everyone had left the room, including Chris-to get a snack with Christopher. So, as soon as the nurse left the room I started feeling like I needed to push...and I was in the room alone! I called Chris, but his phone was dead...then I called the nurse. She checked me and said I was fully dilated and ready to push. About 5 minutes later Chris strolled into the room to find out how my progress was. He walked into a room full of nurses and delivery equipment. They locked the door behind him and told him that we were having a baby! I pushed about 4 times...no kidding...and Gabriel was born. I was so amazed at how fast everything happened. We are home now and so thankful for our beautiful healthy baby boy. He looks alot like his big brother, but his personality seems a little more laid back. Christopher is doing well also. He loves giving his little brother kisses and always wants to share his blanket with him.
Catherine & Chris, that was the sweatest little blog I have ever read. (my fist) wow I almost felt like I was there, thank you. I miss so many things running a buisness, so that was great. It took me about 4 tries but now I am such a pro.keep them coming, love you guys so much can't wait to see you soon. Aunt Penne