When he traded Christopher for Gabriel on the mower I got a little nervous, but he did really good. Gabe didn't even get scared of the loud noise. This is the same mower that grampa used to hook to a wagon and give all us cousins rides around the house. Oh, the memories! I'm glad I have pictures of my boys getting rides from grampa on it.
After the mower, he took Christopher on the front loader. His smile just kept getting bigger and bigger!
After they parked the loader, Christopher points to the BIG field tractor and says, "grampa, me ride that big tractor!". Who can say no to that?

So off they went on the big one!

So off they went on the big one!
After we finished playing with the big boy toys we went inside to have cookies and play with puzzles with Gramma. I had to get a new picture of the boys with their Great Grandparents.
Grampa looks like he's telling a story!
Before we left town, we had to make a stop at CedarCrest! They make the best ice cream around and where else can you eat ice cream under a massive cow?
Monday evening we headed down to Aunt Katy's in Illinois. We had such a good time relaxing with them and spending time with more cousins! Here is an adorable picture of Christopher, Aunt Katy, and cousin Mason swinging on the hammock.
Tuesday we spent some more time with Aunt Katy and that gang, then after naptime we drove over to Gurnee and got checked in to the hotel.
We spent some time with Chris' family: Uncle Dave, Aunt Jen, Cooper, Maia, and Grampa Larry. We didn't get many pictures of our time in Illinois because we were so busy having fun. We spent all day Wednesday at the water park in our hotel with all the cousins. It was quite fun and exhausting! We celebrated Chris' birthday on Thursday and headed home that evening. It was a LONG 8 hour trip, but the boys slept and we made it home in the wee hours of the morning. It was so nice to have the whole weekend to regroup, unpack, and get ready for the new week.
The tractor pics with your grampa will be a blast to scrapbook. Can't wait to see what you do with them.