We missed Gabriel's 9 month check up and the next time we could get him in to the doctor was this week, so it was more of a 10 1/2 month check up, but at least we got it in! He now weighs 18 lbs. 10 3/4 oz. and is 29 1/4" tall. For those of you who want to know where that is on the chart...his weight is about 8th percentile and length is 60th...so that makes 2 long and thin boys in this house! {Why can't I have that body style?}
Here are some other things that our little guy is up to lately...
* He is crawling all over the place. He chases his brother around the house and giggles, wanders into the bathroom, and picks up everything he finds on the floor!
* He eats ONLY table food. About 2 months ago he started yelling at us during meals...watching longingly as we ate yummy food while I shoveled mushy veggies in his mouth (although they were organic home-made mushed veggies:) So I gave in and started giving him soft versions of our food. Now he pretty much eats what I cook for each meal....including chicken, beef, cheese, eggs, sausage, and noodles. He LOVES food! It's a good thing he has 8 teeth...that's right...8!!
* He is drinking water and breastmilk out of a sippy cup during meals. He is really good at using the cup and we are working toward using that as the only source of liquid...since he is almost a year old. He doesn't drink bottles, so that's not a worry, but I am starting to get ready for my freedom to be gone for a few hours without pumping. We both love nursing and plan on doing it for as long as he wants:)
* He sleeps like an angel! He takes two naps that are about 1-1 1/2 hours long and sleeps from 7pm until 7am. He also loves being in his bed and hardly ever fusses when it's time to go to bed. Last night I was out with some friends during bedtime and Chris gave him a little milk from a sippy cup and he went straight to bed! No nursing or bottle...I wasn't quite ready for that yet!
* He just started pulling up on Tuesday. He is very excited about the new perspective. Bathtime is more interesting since he wants to pull up on the side of the tub :)
* His favorite thing to do is pick a toy up over his head and let it fall to the ground. He does this over and over ( usually until brother comes over and takes the toy! ) and laughs every time he does it! He also loves to clap his hands and "sing"...it's the cutest thing!
* His first bit of sassy emerged this week. When we are holding him he will hit our face. He gets really sad when daddy says "no" in his stern voice. I do the "place on the ground and walk away" method...we will see if it works!
* His vocal cords are very healthy! He likes to screech and growl...two tricks he learned from his brother. He says "dada" quite a bit and we have heard a few mummblings that sounded like "mama" but still not the clear word like I'm waiting for.
* I have no doubt for the love that Gabriel has for me as his mama, but this boy is in LOVE with his daddy. When Chris comes home from work every day Gabriel starts smiling from ear to ear and doesn't take his eyes of daddy until he comes over to pick him up to give him a big hug. It warms my heart.
* He loves playing with Christopher and laughs histerically at everything Christopher does!
* He is in the middle of the stranger anxiety. He doesn't notice new people right away, but after about 15 minutes he suddenly realizes that he doesn't know someone, and turns to look at me with a face of horror...tears welling up in his eyes.
I could go on and on about my little G Man. He is a highlight of our lives and we are all so blessed to have him. He is so full of life and happiness!
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