Our "honeydo list" is in full swing around here! We are tackling one room at a time, trying to decorate (since most rooms never got that to begin with), re-organize, and repair/finish repairs that have been put on hold for the past 3 years. Maybe one day everything will be done...and then we will be ready to move!
Christopher loves...
I mean LOVES...to help daddy mow the grass. Every time he hears a mower anywhere near our house, he stops and says, "oh, mowing grass", then returns to what he was doing. It's halarious. I hope that he still likes it this much in 10 years when it is his "job" to mow our lawn. ;-)

Gabriel has been busy learning how to crawl. For over a month he rocked on his hands and knees, then started lifting his bottom up and rocking on his hands and feet. I thought he would never crawl, but alas he did. And now I find him in the bathroom, dog bowl, or fishing for Bear's hairballs under the couch. Be careful what you wish for!
I love crawling babies!

I just had to throw this pic in here because he is looking SO big! His personality just cracks me up every day...he is beginning to be a bit of a drama "king". Wonder where he gets that from...

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